Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function







Images are printed in

The feed orientation

Set the machine's feed orientation and the

the wrong orientation.

you selected and the

printer driver's feed orientation accordingly.


feed orientation se-

See the printer driver Help.


lected in the printer



driver's option setup



might not be the








Images are cut off, or

You may be using pa-

Use the same size paper as that selected in the

excess is printed.

per smaller than the

application. If you cannot load paper of the cor-


size selected in the

rect size, use the reduction function to reduce



the image, and then print. See the printer driver







Page layout is not as

Print areas differ de-

Adjust the [Printable area:] setting in the [Printer


pending on machine

Configuration...] dialog box on the [Print Settings]


used. Information that

tab in the RPCS printer driver. See the printer


fits on a single page on

driver Help.


one machine may not



fit on a single page of



another machine.





Photo images are

Some applications print

Use the application's settings to specify a higher


at lower resolution.





Solid lines are print-

Dither patterns do

Make the following settings with the printer

ed as broken lines.

not match.

driver: Change the [Dithering:] setting on the [Im-



age Adjustments] tab in the [Change User Set-



tings...] dialog box, on the [Print Quality] tab in the



RPCS printer driver. See the printer driver








Bidirectional commu-

Set up optional devices on the Properties of the

connected to the ma-

nication is not working.


chine are not recog-


See the printer driver Help.

nized when using




Windows 95 / 98 /



Me, Windows 2000 /



XP, Windows Server



2003, and Windows



NT 4.0.






Print results using

The correct applica-

Make sure the application's paper size and ori-

combined printing or

tion or printer driver

entation settings match those of the printer

auto reduce/enlarge

settings are not made.

driver. If a different paper size and orientation

are not as expected


are set, select the same size and orientation.

under Windows 95 /



98 / Me / 2000 / XP,



Windows Server



2003, or Windows NT









When printing on

The correct custom

To print on custom size paper from the paper

custom size paper

paper size is not spec-

tray, specify the paper size in the printer driv-

under Windows, the

ified in the printer

er's settings. See the printer driver Help.

image appears in the

driver's settings.


wrong position.