Troubleshooting When Using the Copy Function













Rotate Sort is

The rotate sort function

You cannot use rotate sort with A0 (E), B4



not available

does not support the size

JIS, A4 (A), and custom size paper. See



with this paper

of the scanned original.

“Sort”, Copy/Document Server Reference.



size. Select an-


Set paper of the following dimensions:



other paper size


Metric version



or cancel Rotate



Sort mode.


• 420 ⋅ 297 mm (A3)








• 594 ⋅ 420 mm (A2)









• 841 ⋅ 594 mm (A1)





• 515 ⋅ 364 mm (B3 JIS)





• 728 ⋅ 515 mm (B2 JIS)





Inch version (Engineering)





• 11" ⋅ 17" (B)





• 17" ⋅ 22" (C)





• 22" ⋅ 34" (D)





Inch version (Architecture)





• 12" ⋅ 18" (B)





• 18" ⋅ 24" (C)





• 24" ⋅ 35" (D)








Maximum number of

The number of copies ex-

You can change the maximum copy



sets is nn.

ceeds the maximum

quantity. See “General Features”, Gen-



(A figure is placed at n.)

copy quantity.

eral Settings Guide.












File being stored

The scanned originals

Press [Exit], and then store again with an



exceeded max.

have too many pages to

appropriate number of pages.



number of pages

store as one document.




per file. Copying





will be stopped.










You do not have

This user code is not al-

Contact the administrator.



the privileges to

lowed to use the function




use this func-















You do not have

This user code is not al-

If the message continues to be displayed



the privileges to

lowed to use the function

and you cannot switch the screen, press



use this func-


the {Energy Saver}key. Confirm that the





display goes off, and then press the {En-




ergy Saver} key again. The display will









return to the user code entry display.





When printing under the copier or





printer function, press the {Energy Sav-





er} key only after printing has finished.









The entered login user

Inquire the user administrator for the cor-



has failed.

name or login password

rect login user name and login password.




is not correct.