Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function

When You Cannot Print

Use the following procedures if printing does not start when printing from a computer.













Printing does not start.

The power is off.

Check the cable is securely plugged into





the power outlet and the machine. Turn





on the main power switch.








Printing does not start.

The machine is set to

Press [Online].

















Printing does not start.

The cause is displayed

Check the error message or warning sta-




on the display of the con-

tus on the display panel and take the re-




trol panel.

quired action. See p.30 “When a





Message Appears”.








Printing does not start.

The interface cable is not

Connect the interface cable securely. See




connected correctly.

“Connecting to the Interfaces”, General





Settings Guide.








Printing does not start.

The correct interface ca-

The type of interface cable you should




ble is not being used.

use depends on the computer. Be sure to





use the correct one. If the cable is dam-





aged or worn, replace it. See “Connect-





ing to the Interfaces”, General Settings













Printing does not start.

The interface cable was

Connect the interface cable before turn-




connected after the ma-

ing on the machine.




chine was switched on.









Printing does not start.

If the machine is operat-

To check signal status, press the {User




ing in an extended wire-

Tools / Counter} key, and then press [Sys-




less LAN, failure to print

tem Settings] on the display panel. On the




might result from a weak

[Interface Settings] tab, select [IEEE




wireless signal.

802.11b], and then press [Wireless LAN Sig-





nal]. If signal quality is poor, move the





machine to a location where radio





waves can pass or remove objects that





might cause interference.





(You can check signal status only when





using wireless LAN in the infrastructure













Printing does not start.

If the machine is operat-

Check using the machine's display pan-




ing in an extended wire-

el that the SSID is correctly set. See “Net-




less LAN, SSID settings

work Settings”, General Settings Guide.




are incorrect.