Application Quits, Kernel panic or other booting problems
1.If a specific application quits, replace the application. Verify the application is compatible with OS X.
2.Clear parameter RAM. Hold down
3.Run Disk Utility from the Software Install and Restore DVD.
4.Perform a clean install of system software with the software install and restore disc that came with the computer.
Note: Restore disc images are available at http://service.info.apple.com. Select “Disc Images.”
5.Reboot system.
6.Run Apple Service Diagnostic in loop mode
7.Replace the logic board.
Error Beeps
The computer automatically performs a
Note: The PowerBook G4
Computer beeps once at startup
1.One beep means that no RAM is detected.
Note: There is no RAM on the logic board itself, so the computer will beep if no memory is installed in at least one of the RAM slots.
2.Put the original RAM that came with the computer back in, or put in
•If symptom does not repeat, replace RAM card(s).
•If symptom repeats, replace logic board.
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