Table 5-2. DIPSwitches at DS6
Switch Position In order to… Notes
1 to 8 OFF Always set to OFF.
Table 5-3. DIPSwitches at DS5
Switch Position In order to… Notes
1 ON Disable the password. All racks at a site must use the
same password.
OFF Enable the password. When you enable the
password, the management
PC uses the password to
communicate with the rack.
When you disable the
password, the management
PC disregards the password.
2 ON Configure the RESET button A cold reset erases all user-
to perform a “cold” reset programmed system parameter
when pressed. data that are stored in
the Pro Switching System RAM
and reboots the CPU,
reinitializing the system.
OFF Configure the RESETbutton A warm reset reboots the CPU
to perform a “warm” reset without affecting the user-
when pressed. programmed system
system parameter data (such
as alarm definitions) that are
stored in the Pro Switching
System RAM.