Browse Web Home Page
Follow this procedure to view the device’s home page if the device supports Web-
based management. This menu item is only enabled when the selected object
contains a Home Page URL in its Describe information.
1. Click on the device icon to select it.
2. From the main menu, select Control, then Browse Web Home Page.
Browse Web Management Page
Perform this procedure to view the device’s management page if the device
supports Web-based management. This menu item is only enabled when the
selected object contains a Management URL in its Describe information.
1. Click on the device icon to select it.
2. From the main menu, select Control, then Browse Web Management Page.
6.4.8 O
The Options menu has the following selections:
Protect Map
Log In
Log Out
Set Password
Customize HP OpenView
Customize Alarms
Customize Device Access
Protect Map
Follow this procedure to disable editing of a map via password. It is not meant as a
data security feature but prevents your map from being modified accidentally
during regular operations. Only the editing functions are disabled; setting and
acknowledging alarms are not affected.