LLDP configuration


Specifying the minimum time between

SNMP traps and Syslog messages

When SNMP notifications and Syslog messages for LLDP are enabled, the device will send no more than one SNMP notification and corresponding Syslog message within a five second period. If desired, you can throttle the amount of time between transmission of SNMP traps (lldpRemTablesChange) and Syslog messages from five seconds up to a value equal to one hour (3600 seconds).


Because LLDP Syslog messages are rate limited, some LLDP information given by the system will not match the current LLDP statistics (as shown in the show lldp statistics command output).

To change the minimum time interval between traps and Syslog messages, enter a command such as the following.

Brocade(config)#lldp snmp-notification-interval 60

When the above command is applied, the LLDP agent will send no more than one SNMP notification and Syslog message every 60 seconds.

Syntax: [no] lldp snmp-notification-interval <seconds>

The <seconds> variable is a value between 5 and 3600. The default is 5 seconds.

Changing the minimum time between LLDP transmissions

The LLDP transmit delay timer limits the number of LLDP frames an LLDP agent can send within a specified time frame. When you enable LLDP, the system automatically sets the LLDP transmit delay timer to two seconds. If desired, you can change the default behavior from two seconds to a value between 1 and 8192 seconds.


The LLDP transmit delay timer must not be greater than one quarter of the LLDP transmission interval (CLI command lldp transmit-interval).

The LLDP transmit delay timer prevents an LLDP agent from transmitting a series of successive LLDP frames during a short time period, when rapid changes occur in LLDP. It also increases the probability that multiple changes, rather than single changes, will be reported in each LLDP frame.

To change the LLDP transmit delay timer, enter a command such as the following at the Global CONFIG level of the CLI.

Brocade(config)#lldp transmit-delay 7

The above command causes the LLDP agent to wait a minimum of seven seconds after transmitting an LLDP frame and before sending another LLDP frame.

Syntax: [no] lldp transmit-delay <seconds>

The <seconds> variable is a value between 1 and 8192. The default is two seconds. Note that this value must not be greater than one quarter of the LLDP transmission interval (CLI command lldp transmit-interval).

Brocade ICX 6650 Administration Guide




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Brocade Communications Systems 6650 manual Changing the minimum time between Lldp transmissions