Installation & User Guide
The database can become slow if a large number of additions and deletions of records occur. The compact database function reorganises the database which reduces the database size and improves the speed. Compacting the database is recommended every three months or every 500 cardholder changes.
Backup Settings
It is strongly recommended to backup the system frequently. This can be done manually or automatically at preset times and days. The backup path is by default to the same hard disk as the AX200 software (C:\Program Files\AX200\backup). It is recommended to backup to tape in case of hard disk failure.
Log and event files can be deleted after a specified amount of time (Backup settings), to prevent the hard disk becoming full. Using the report module, backup events can be viewed and printed.
Database Restore
In the unlikely event that a database corruption cannot be repaired, (automatically on
Export Cardholders
Cardholder details can be exported in standard .CSV files for use in other software programs. You will need Microsoft Excel to open that file.
Import Cardholders
Contact factory for details.
All of the above features are also accessible under the File menu in the main screen.
Export Photo ID Templates
Exports all the photo ID templates in a mdb file. You will need Microsoft Access to open that file.
Import Photo ID Templates
Contact factory for details.
Firmware Settings
Firmware update window contains a list of all the devices on the network and the relevant information about the network settings and the firmware on each unit.
AX200 Installation & User Guide – July 2007 | 7 3 |