Installation & User Guide
AX200 Installation & User Guide – July 2007
Import Picture from File
You can also import a photo from a jpg, gif or a bmp file on your PC. Just click on the import
button, select the file on your hard disc then click open.
To create a new template click Add. By default the company’s logo would be displayed instead of
the cardholder’s photo unless you import a picture either from a camera or a file on your PC. The
text fields displayed on the right hand side could be moved simply by clicking and dragging. Click
Save once you’re finished. To edit an existing template press the Edit button.
Add New Card Wizard
It is a simple way to add a single or a block of cards at once. Start field definitely needs to be field
in. the value in the start field will be the first card number. If you’re planning to add a block of
cards you need to fill in the End field as well. The number in the second field will be the last card
Any other information entered in the other sections will be applied to all new cards. If the high
security and door unlocked feature are selected then these will be for all the doors in the access
Individual settings per door can also be made using Mode Settings.