Epsilon Ei DeviceNet Drive Reference Manual
DN Status Minor Recoverable Fault
| Modbus Address: 14001 | |||
Range | Units | Default | Type | DN Type | Group |
| NVM | Res. | Access |
True/False |
| BIT | BOOL |
| No |
| RO |
A Minor Recoverable Fault occurs when the drive experiences a connection
DN Status Minor Unrecoverable Fault
| Modbus Address: 14002 | |||
Range | Units | Default | Type | DN Type | Group |
| NVM | Res. | Access |
True/False |
| BIT | BOOL |
| No |
| RO |
A Minor Unrecoverable Fault will initiate when any of the following faults occur: Encoder State, Encoder Hardware, Low DC Bus, High DC Bus, Overspeed, Following Error, Shunt Power RMS. Minor Unrecoverable Faults can only be reset with a cycle of power to the drive.
DN Transmit Counter
| Modbus Address: | |||
Range | Units | Default | Type | DN Type | Group | NVM | Res. | Access |
Counts |
| US32 | UDINT |
| No |
| RO |
The DN Transmit Counter keeps a running total of all DeviceNet packets successfully transmitted to the Master on the DeviceNet network.
DN Vendor ID
| Modbus Address: 34001 | |||
Range | Units | Default | Type | DN Type | Group |
| NVM | Res. | Access |
| US16 | UINT |
| No |
| RO |
DN Vendor ID indicates the ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendors Association) vendor specific number. The Motion Made Easy Vendor ID is 553.