3.Click AppleTalk under Network on the Configuration menu to view the AppleTalk Settings screen.



Select Enable.

Printer Name:

Enter the printer name (up to 32 characters). The default name is shown below.

Level 1 printer: Epson-xxxxxx

Level 2 or 3 printer: Printer product name-xxxxxx (xxxxxx are last 6 digits of the serial number)

Entity Type:

If you are using a Level 1 printer, set the Entity type to match the driver for the printer with the interface card. The default is "epson". Click the Entity configuration button to enter the entity type (up to 32 characters).

If you are using a Level 2 or 3 printer, you do not have to set this option. The list view displays the printer’s Entity type on an AppleTalk network.

Zone Name:

Enter the network zone (up to 32 characters) in which you want the printer to appear.

Using the Interface Card with Macintosh
