
Use Standard TCP/IP Port Monitor for the port.

Install printer drivers using the Add Printer wizard. Do not install using Setup.exe because the Printer Status Page is not installed in this way. The printer dirver is included in the CD- ROM that comes with your printer.

When the Printer Sharing dialog box appears during installation, select Share as.

When the printer driver for Windows 2000 is not included in the CD-ROM that comes your printer, ask your EPSON dealer.

Managing Printers from Browser

This section explains how to manage printers from a browser.

Accessing the Print Server Page

To access the Print Server Page which lists all the printers on the server, type the one of the following:

http://the DNS name of the server/printers

http://the WINS name of the server/printers

http://the IP address of the server/printers

Example: http://hv100/printers

13-4Printer Status Page Utility