Configuring the printer
Buffer size in Kbyte. The maximum size is 48 Kbyte.
Length of the data to be transferred; values are 7 or 8 bit.
S I/F TYPE (Interface Type)
the following types are available: |
CI - 4040 | CI - 4050 |
PARALL./ RS232 (shared mode) | SERIAL |
PARALL./ RS422 (shared mode) | SHARED |
In case the Parall/ RS232, Parall./ RS422; or SHARED mode" interface type is selected the printer switches automatically between the parallel and serial interfaces. The first data received at the port determine which interface port becomes active. The other interface port will be closed so that only one interface is active at a time (for detailed information see Appendix A Interface Description).
The factory setting for the interface type are: Shared, 8 Kbyte Buffer, 8 bit word length, even parity bit, 9600 baud rate, DTR protocol and ignore CTS.
SBAUD RATE (Only indicated if the serial interface is selected)
Controls the speed of data transfer. The possible transfer rates are: 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 bps.
SPARITY BIT (Only indicated if the serial interface is selected)
The data transfer will be checked by an even or odd parity bit. The values are: EVEN, ODD, NONE or IGNORE.