•Index at Scene - In this mode, recordings are continuous until a scene break is detected in the incoming video stream, or the nine minute file size limit is reached. At that time, a new file is automatically created within one second of the scene change. No frames are lost during the transition to a new clip..
The Index at Scene option watches the DV stream for an index marker that is recorded to tape when a new scene, or record session starts. It depends upon the camcorder when this index is recorded to tape. Some camcorders record the index at every scene, or when the camera is placed in and out of record pause. Other cameras, only record the index marker at the beginning of every record session; in other words, the camera needs to be placed into STOP or
Select this function to control the
In remote, you can also slave an
FS-2/2E Does Not Support All BVW-75 Control Functions
This mode is only for greater compatibility with existing control systems.
Refer to Supported
RS422 supported commands.