Gemini User’s Manual
You can also combine characters, using the backspace command:
LPRINT CHR$(126); CHR$(8); CHR$(95)
produces: =, the symbol for “approximately equal to:’

Printing Equations -

Gemini provides three different types of “grouping” symbols for
use in mathematical expressions: -

( ) . -_


CHR$(40) CHR$(41) CHR$(91) CHR$(93) -
CHkS(l23) CHdS(125)
The character set of Greek symbols, often used in scientific
and mathematical equations, include:
sigma Pi omega
c n t3
CHR$(l84) CHR;(,85) CHRi(l87) CHR$(l82) CHR$(183)
phi theta mu beta .-
0 8 P
CHR$(178) CHR$(l79) CHRg(l97) CHR$(217) -
Appendix H, at the back of this manual, lists all special
characters. If you take a moment and look over the character set, - -
you’ll find the symbols for the parallel lines, functions, angstroms,
degrees (in C and F), and other characters that serve special
purposes in scientific notation. -


For those of you who would like to use Gemini to plot data and
graphs, a nice set of plotting symbols are provided: -~-

0 noDQo+o

CHR$(l68) (169) (170) (171) (172) (173) (174) (175) -