Geminl User’s Manual
This time we will use the downloadable feature to replace the @ symbol with the copyright symbol.
1’3QE!!Defi:e5ooyriptrvnSc!:n o!aceof 9
$0 RE!!Sc!ectdonn!ordrS!echrractcrs | - | |
SO LPR!N?ESCI:e~RI!36):eHP((!!: | ||
| ||
70 QE!! Print our new svmbo: |
| |
30 LPRINT“Cowxght d 198:” |
Figure 8-4. Program listing to print: S
What happened? All we got was the copyright symbol and nothing else. This happened because none of the other characters in the download area (RAM) have been defined. So you need one more command when you are only replacing a few characters at a time:
CHR$(27) CHR$(42) CHR$(O)
This code copies all of the normal characters into the downloadable area (RAM) of your printer. Let’s insert this into Ex- ample 2 before we define our copyright symbol.
!E REI Dt!iv !!rEf:ane:tara::r* tC ESC$+CHRI(??)
74. 42 33 :ba:a:ws tc RR!
2: LPRINTE9Cl:~H41!42):CHRS~O~:
30 RE!!Define:oovright tvmbo! ;E sla:eof 8
SO :PR!HfESC~:C~R~~42):CWR~(:!:CHR~(54):C~RS~C):~~R~‘I2e):CHP)(‘QI:CHR((!!1:b ~HRS~?~!:CHRe!5fi:CHRI(2b!:CWRI!!S!rCHS(!~4I:CrQs!?C’I
YRE?!Qe!ectionn!sadablecfiariic:erc $9 LPEIN?ESCI:CHRI!;S):C~~(!l!:
‘C FE!!‘*:3t;G: ies~3~1 90 LPQINT“Co:v*ipb!e !?8!”
.. |
| |
Figure 85. Program listing to print: 11:‘;:: | ,. ‘.::.I |
Now things look a little more shipshape | for the editors. | _ |