Gemini User’s Manual
characters. (“Alphanumeric” means all the characters that are the |
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letters in the alphabet and numerical symbols for numbers.) The |
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difference between Figures |
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some of the superscripts and subscripts eliminated. |
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The “supers” and “subs”are designed for normal and double- |
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strike type in IO, 12, and I7 CPI. Superscripts and subscripts were |
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not intended for use in the emphasized mode. When you double |
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the width of the characters (5,6, and 8.5 CPI), the “scripts” are |
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distorted to the point that they are garbled. They weren’t |
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designed for |
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By examining Figure |
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can print in six type sizes, between 5 and 17 characters per inch. |
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Gemini prints in roman type (the upp.er table) and italic type (the |
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lower table). In addition, Gemini produces quality superscripting |
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in 20 modes, as well as quality subscripting in an equal number. |
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If you add up all these typeface options, you’ll count as many |
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Gemini text options as there are keys on a piano. |
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Figure |
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capability. If you look in Appendix K at ASCII code numbers 224 |
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through 255, you’ll see an enlargement of the full set of 6 x 6 |
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graphics. The straight line that separates the CPI column headings |
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from the body of the tables in Figure |
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repeating ASCII code number 241 across the page. The alternating |
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sequence of ASCII code numbers 231 and 232 produced the |
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graphic embellishment | that appears under the “standard” and |
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“italic” table titles. In Chapter 7, you’ll learn more about what you |
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can do with the 6 x 6 graphic character set. |
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Although the “ABC’s”in | - | - | |
width, they are all the same height. That’s because all Gemini’s |
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alphanumeric characters are printed using a |
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The matrix is represented by the numerals that appear on the |
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first page of each chapter in this manual. A reduced version of that |
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the matrix (or grid) is nine rows high and five rows wide (with some |
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dots on the lines between columns). The compressed and double- |
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width modes print the same character matrix, but with the width |
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of the horizontal columns shortened or expanded, respectively. |
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If you are observant, you might notice that the “ABC’s” |
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across each row in Figure |
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from left to right. In your everyday printing, you won’t get this |
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effect; your lines of text | will be perfectly straight. The reason for |
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