Fundamentals of Dot Matrix Printing
25/l 44
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m- | p | ||
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27/l 44
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28/l | 44 |
i0 LPRINT TAB(30);“High Resolution Vertical Spacing *
15 LPRINT TbB(30)~“Using the ESC 3 n Control Cod@ ” 20 FOR I * I TO 30
SO IF I = 13 THEN 6020 110
40 M * INT ( 144 I ( 6 t I 1 1 : !F II { 2 THEN H = 2
50 LPRINT CHR1(271; CHRt(Sll;CHRS(Il:
60 FOR J = 0 TO M
70 IF J =
90 FOR N * 1 TO 401 tPRINT CHR$(2411; : NEXT N: LPRINT 100NEXT J
110 NEXT I
120 LPRINT CHR$(27);“@“: END
Figure 6-5b. This continuation of Figure 6-5a depicts a more “open” spacing, that you might use for prin ting drafts of documents that need room for letting the reviewer manually insert changes. This printout was produced by the BASIC program listed above, written for the IBM-PC. Consult the appendices to learn how to adapt this program to other computers.