DIP switches
Connector for parallel Interface
“Port hole” for serial Interface (optlonal)
Grbund terminal
Figure 1-2. The connectors and DIP switches are located on the back of the Gemini printers.
By referring to Figure
If you are just getting started, you should refer to Appendix G for instructions on unpacking and assembly, then to Chapter 2 for information on loading the ribbon and setting the print head’s gap. After you’ve cleared those hurdles (which you’ll do soon enough), this is what your printer will look like.
Inside the front of the machine are two ribbon spoo/s. Gemini uses standard typewriter ribbons, saving you money you might have had to spend for
The cylindrical print head (observable behind and above the ribbon spools) is the ingenious device that can print 120 characters per second (CPS)onto a variety of papers. What’s more, the print head is engineered to work consistently for an average of 100
million characters without fail (expressed as 10 x 10’ Mean