Gemini User’s Manual
printer, computers communicate data even faster. The buffer can
accommodate 816 characters of memory, with an optional buffer
that can be expanded to 4K or 8K. Qu’est-ce que “K”?
Computer memory is measured in terms of K, meaning
ki/o&fes. A kilobyte is 1,024 bytes, and a byfe equals one letter
of the alphabet (or a symbol, or a number).
The print-out is accomplished by theprintermechanism, also
shown in Figure l-5 and represented in Figure 1-6. The printer
mechanism can produce a variety of typographical styles and
sizes (including superscripts and __
subscripts), variable line spacing,
adjustable tabs, and block graphics. Plus, the Gemini is
outstanding for the full range of papers upon which it can print.
I _-------- I

I - 1 I

A.C. Power
Figure 143. This block diagram presents, in simple terms, the relationship
among the transformer, power supply, printer mechanism, and circuit control.
For more information on the control circuit, please refer to Appendix L.