Gemini User’s Manual
Wait a minute. Didn’t we use the command code CHR$(15) to shift into compressed type? That’s right; there are two ways of
shifting into compressed type: - the
ASCII code table in Appendix I.] The command CHR$(18) can be used to shift the printer from compressed mode back to normal
Line 40 sets some variables that allow shifting into (and out of) the superscript and subscript mode. Superscripts are characters that are printed above the regular line of type, such as the “2”in E = MC?.Subscripts are below the line, such as the “2” in H,O. On some printers, the “supers” and “subs” are produced by rolling the paper up and down a
Gemini prints “supers” and “subs” using special characters that are small enough to convey the scripting in the space normally utilized by the ascenders ‘such as the top of a “t”)and descenders (the lower part of the letter “g”). The scripting characters are printed “high” or “low” on the line to produce a
ESC$ + “S” + CHR$(O)causes the printer to operate in its superscript mode, and ESC$ + “S” + CHR$(l) initiates the subscript. Either mode is cancelled by ESC$ + “T”command - actually, CHR$(27); CHR$(84).
Line 50 sets the command to produce italic type. CHR$(27); CHR!§(52)causes Gemini to print in full italic all text received subsequent to the command, until the ESC$ + CHR$(53) command [or printer reset = CHR$(27); “@“Iis received.
Line 60 sets the command to double the width of the characters that are being printed. CHR$(14) sets the
+“W” + 1 [which is the equivalent of CHR$(27); CHR$(87); CHR$(l) command] also sets the
On the end of line 60 is the printer reset command we call “PRSET” in this program.