
Note You cannot enter PTZ mode when the DVR detects video loss on the selected camera or the camera is turned off or set up as Covert 1 or Covert 2.

Press MENU in PTZ mode to display the PTZ Mode screen. Set the feature you wish to control by selecting it from the menu. Refer to the camera manufacturer’s instructions for the proper settings. Depending on the camera specifications, some features may not be supported.

Figure 4-3 PTZ Menu Screen

Press Set Preset to configure the presets for PTZ cameras.

Press Quit to close the menu.

Setting PTZ Presets

After you have the camera at the desired installation settings, you can save camera position settings as Presets so that you can go directly to desired views.

1.Select Set Preset in the PTZ Menu.

2.Select the number you want to assign to the preset, and then press  . Use the Virtual Keyboard to enter the preset name.

3.Press  to save the preset.

Figure 4-4 PTZ Preset Screen

Rev 3.03


Document 900.0315


