
#Download software package file main.bin from the TFTP server and use the Boot ROM image in the package as the startup configuration file.

<Sysname> upgrade ipv6 2001::2 main.bin bootrom

#Download software package file main.bin from the TFTP server and use the system software image file in the package as the startup configuration file.

<Sysname> upgrade ipv6 2001::2 main.bin runtime

Configuration example for upgrading the system software image at the CLI

Network requirements

As shown in Figure 20, a 1920 switch is connected to the PC through the console cable, and connected to the gateway through Ethernet 1/0/1. The IP address of the gateway is, and that of the TFTP server where the system software image (suppose its name is Switch1920.bin) is located is The gateway and the switch can reach each other.

The administrator upgrades the Boot ROM image and the system software image file of the 1920 switch through the PC and sets the IP address of the switch to

Figure 20 Network diagram

Console cable


Console port


IP network












TFTP server

Configuration procedure

1.Run the TFTP server program on the TFTP server, and specify the path of the file to be loaded. (Omitted)

2.Configure the switch:

#Configure the IP address of VLAN-interface 1 of the switch as, and specify the default gateway as

<Switch> ipsetup ip-address 24 default-gateway

#Download the software package file Switch1920.bin on the TFTP server to the switch, and upgrade the system software image in the package.

<Switch> upgrade Switch1920.bin runtime File will be transferred in binary mode

Downloading file from remote TFTP server, please wait.../ TFTP: 10262144 bytes received in 71 second(s)

File downloaded successfully.

#Download the software package file Switch1920.bin on the TFTP server to the switch, and upgrade the Boot ROM image.

<Switch> upgrade Switch1920.bin bootrom

The file flash:/Switch1920.bin exists. Overwrite it? [Y/N]:y Verifying server file...