Special Features


Ink System


The printer has many advanced features to help you produce the best printed output with the least effort.

Micro-QuadTMprintheads — sixteen 600 dpi, 25 picoliter piezoelectric printheads (four per color).

AutoCleanTM service station — a motorized service station that wipes the printheads with cleaning solvent automati- cally to keep all jets firing properly.

Purge-n-WipeTM— combines an air pressure purge with a cleaning solvent wipe of the printheads to recover clogged jets.

AutoRecover — performs a Purge-n-Wipe at the start of a print job (before printing) if a Purge-n-Wipe has not been performed for a specified amount of time.

Automated printhead maintenance — to keep individual inkjets from drying out, the printer periodically “spits” a small amount of ink and performs a Purge-n-Wipe cycle.

Capping station manually-operated capping station pre- vents drying out of printheads when idle. The printer senses the position of the capping pad to prevent carriage move- ment while capped, or to prevent the carriage from moving to the capping station if the pad is raised.

Off-Head System (OHS) — 3 liter bulk ink boxes with profil- ers supply the printheads. The printer displays an alert when an ink box should be replaced.

Onboard vacuum/pressure (VP) system — provides vac- uum to maintain negative printhead pressure, and air pres- sure to purge the printheads or ink tubes without removing them from the printer.

AutoSetTM calibration — uses a high-resolution digital imag- ing sensor to automatically align printheads bidirectionally for precise positioning of ink jet pixels, and runs AutoJet.

AutoJetTM calibration— compensates for lost or misfiring jets by locating them and using substitute jets without slowing printing speed.

AutoTuneTM scheduling — runs Purge-n-Wipe and/or Auto- Jet at user-defined intervals, for highest quality during unat- tended printing. Optionally, if unsubstituted non-working jets are found, printing stops until the problem is corrected.

Special Features


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HP 72SI, 98SI manual Special Features, Printheads Ink System Calibration