edit scanned 68 scan 67
edit photos 65
edit scanned images 68 Embedded Web Server password settings 24
encryption settings 27 WEP key 20
envelopes load 38 specifications 165
environment Environmental product
stewardship program 165 error messages
memory cards 144 out of paper 147 reading or writing file 142
European Union recycling information 167
EWS 24
fast copy quality 72 fax
paper width incorrect 148 poor quality printouts 112,
fax problems
poor print quality 113 smeared ink 112
FCC statement 168 file
invalid name 143 supported formats 143 unreadable 142 unsupported formats 142
firmware revision mismatch 140 firmware version 24
fit to page 73
fit to page fails 136
gateway, default setting 25 general information,
configuration page 24
glass clean 75
greeting cards, load 39
hardware address 25 hostname 24, 28 HP JetDirect 15
HP Photosmart Share send images 65
edit scanned 68 scan 67
improper shutdown 150 infrastructure mode 17 ink
drying time 147 low 125, 151
sprays inside HP
ink cartridges. See print cartridges
ink levels, check 78 ink supplies
purchase 89
ink, removing ink from skin and clothing 88
install software, troubleshoot 101
interface card 17 invalid file name 143
address 24, 25
jams, paper 40
labels load 39 specifications 165
landscape orientation 44 legal paper
load 35 specifications 165
letter paper load 35 specifications 165
lid backing, clean 76
10 x 15 cm photo paper 36
4 x 6 inch photo paper 36
A4 paper 35 envelopes 38
legal paper 35 letter paper 35 original 31 transparencies 39
MAC address 25 maintenance
align print cartridges 84 check ink levels 78 clean exterior 75 clean glass 75
clean lid backing 76 clean print cartridges 85 print cartridges 77 replace print cartridges 79
make a copy 71 margins
incorrect 123
text or graphic cut off 124 mDNS service name 24 media. See paper
Media Access Control (MAC) address 25
memory cards
digital camera cannot read 127
read 127 inaccessible 130 insert 65
photos missing 142 print DPOF file 64 print photos 64
read or write error 130 save files to computer 65 share photos 65
slots 61 troubleshoot 127