
printer sharing Mac 16 Windows 16

Printing Shortcuts tab 46 problems

copy 134

error messages 139 print 119

scan 131


quality print 44

quality, copy 72


radio, turn off 23 Readme file 101 recycle

ink cartridges 166 reduce/enlarge copies

resize to fit letter or A4 73 regulatory notices

declaration of conformity (European Economic Area) 172

declaration of conformity (U.S.) 172

FCC statement 168 geräuschemission 169 notice to users in Japan

(power cord) 169 notice to users in Japan

(VCCI) 169

notice to users in Korea 169 regulatory model

identification number 168 wireless statements 169

reinstall software 106 removing ink from skin and

clothing 88

replace print cartridges 79 reports

self-test 76 resolution

print 44

restore network defaults 23 RJ-45 plug 28, 29


saturation, change in print 45


photos to computer 65 scan

blank 132 cancel 69

crop incorrect 132 documents 67 edit image 68 fails 131, 132, 141 features 67 halts 131

page layout incorrect 132 photos 67

stop 69

text appears as dotted lines 133

text format incorrect 133 text incorrect 133 troubleshooting 131

scan button 9 scan glass

clean 75 security

network, WEP key 18, 20, 26, 27

troubleshoot 20 self-test report 76 set

print options 42, 46 settings

network 22 restore defaults 23

sharing 21

ship your device 163 signal strength 26 Smart Key 18 smeared ink, fax 112 software application, print

from 41 software installation

reinstall 106 troubleshoot 103 uninstall 106

speed copy 72 print 44

SSID troubleshoot 108 wireless setting 26

start black 9 start color 9 status, network 24

stop copy 74

print job 59 scan 69

subnet mask 25 support

contact 160 support process 159 system requirements 165


T-shirt transfers. See iron-on transfers

technical information paper specifications 165 system requirements 165

telephone numbers, support 160


cut off 124

dotted lines on scan 133 incorrect format on

scan 133 incorrect or missing on

scan 133 jagged 113 meaningless characters 121 not filled in 113

smooth fonts 113 total packets

received 28 transmitted 27


load 39 specifications 165


fax problems 112, 113 hardware installation 101 jams, paper 40

low signal 109

network connection 110 Passphrase, invalid 111 printer not found 111 Readme file 101 software installation 103 USB cable 103

WEP key 110

wireless setup wizard 108 troubleshooting

cannot find the file or item 130

communication problems 91 copy 134


Page 177
Image 177
HP C4380, C4390, C4385 manual 176