MIB descriptions




Description detailing the Event.



Time at which the Event occurred.


. read-write

Indicates whether SNMP notifications are to be sent for Events generated. When enabled, notifications are sent. When disabled, notifications are not sent.


. not-accessible

This table lists the types of Events available in the system and the enable or disable state for sending notifications for the events belonging to a particular type. When enabled for a type, it displays 1 indicating that notifications will be sent for generated Events belonging to that type. When disabled for a type, it displays 0 indicating that notifications will not be sent for generated Events belonging to that type. The Event Types are pre-defined.



An Event Type with notification state entry in the hpWlanNotificationsEventsTypeTable. hpWlanNotificationsEventsTypeId - uniquely identifies the Event Type.



An Event Type Id which uniquely identifies the Event Type.



Displays the name of the Event Type.



When enabled, notifications are sent for events belonging to the type defined in hpWlanNotificationsEventsTypeName. When disabled, notifications are not sent for events belonging to the type defined in hpWlanNotificationsEventsTypeName.


. not-accessible

This table lists the Alarms generated. As new Alarms are generated, this table is updated. An alarm is the declaration of a condition that normally requires intervention or deserves special attention.



An entry in the hpWlanNotificationsAlarmsTable. hpWlanNotificationsAlarmsId - uniquely identifies the Alarm generated.
