Setting Up Accounts on Your New PC
User accounts allow you to set the privileges for each user of your PC. For example, you can set the software programs that each user is allowed to access. Follow the simple steps in this section when setting up your PC to create user accounts.
Creating user accounts
The information below describes the different account types in Windows XP and explains how to change account types.
Creating multiple user accounts on the same PC has certain advantages as well as some drawbacks.
•Advantages to multiple user accounts:
•Ability to create individual user settings
•Ability to limit access to software for certain users
•Drawbacks to multiple user accounts:
•More memory (RAM) usage
•Multiple Temporary Internet Files folders to remove during Disk Cleanup
•More data to back up
•Longer time to complete virus scan
Windows XP provides three types of user accounts:
Allowed to change account types for other users, change passwords, change
Not allowed to change other user settings, or passwords. Limited account may not be able to install or run some software.
Allowed to change the limited account picture, and create, edit, or delete the account password.
Not allowed to change other user settings or passwords.
Users who log on to the PC using the guest account do not have access to
Setting Up Your PC 9