B.3 /etc/bridged.conf
This file holds the configuration data for transparent bridging. It is created using the utility bredit.
#NetStar $Id$
#Configuration file for Bridge Daemon (bridged).
#Note: bridged will not start if it finds an error while
#trying to parse this file. Use the
#command line with bridged to find proximity of the offending
#bridge_group bg0 {
#The main reason we need to configure this stuff is to
#specify which ports are part of a bridge group.
#Declare all the ports in this group on a single
#line if you don’t need to set anything special
#for the port. This is the normal case.
#multiple lines are ok.
#eg. port gf070;
#port gf041 gf072;
#port gf080;
#port gf000 gf001 gf002 gf003;
#If you need to set specific values for a port in this
#bridge group, then use the structure below..
#port gf040 {
#priority : port priority allows the network manager to
#influence the choice of port when a bridge has
#two ports connected in a loop.
#priority 5;
#valid states are : blocking, listening, learning and
#forwarding. the default start state is blocking.
#state blocking;
#root_path_cost : This is the cost to be added to the root
#path cost field in a configuration message received
#on this port in order to determine the cost of the
#path to the root through this port. This value is
#individually settable on each port.
#Setting this value to be large on a particular port
#makes the LAN reached through that port more likely