#Service name=bc0 type=bcast addr= addr= \
#Traffic shaping parameters
#Lines beginning with the keyword "Traffic_Shape" define
#traffic shapes which may be used to configure the performance
#characteristics of ATM Virtual Circuits.
#The Traffic_Shape’s defined here are to be referenced by name when
#to assign traffic shapes to PVC’s or Interfaces later in this
#configuration file. (See Examples in the PVC or Interface section
#of this file for examples on how to reference traffic shapes defined here.)
#Each Traffic_Shape entry the ATM configuration file has the following format:
#Traffic_Shape name=value peak=bps [sustain=bps burst=cells] [qos=highlow]
#The "name" field is a unique name to identify this ATM service, so we
#can refer to the collection of peak, [sustain, burst], [qos] parameters
#as a group when configuring PVC’s or Interfaces later in this file.
#The ’peak’, ’sustain’, and ’burst’ fields specify, respectively,
#the peak cell rate, the sustained cell rate, and the burst rate.
#The values for ’peak’ and ’sustain’ are in kilobits per second (maximum
#of 155000), and the value for ’burst’ is in cells (maximum of 2048).
#The ’qos’ (Quality of Service) field specifies which rate queues
#to use. A value of ’high’ corresponds to high priority service
#which uses the
#to low priority service which uses the
#The peak rate is the only parameter which is mandatory. If ommitted,
#the sustain and burst rates are set to match the peak rate. If qos
#is not specified, it defaults to "high".
#Traffic_Shape name=high_speed_high_quality \
#peak=155000 sustain=155000 burst=2048 qos=high
#Traffic_Shape name=medium_speed_low_quality \
#peak=75000 qos=low
#Traffic_Shape name=low_speed_high_quality \
#peak=15000 qos=high
#Signalling parameters
#Lines beginning with the keyword "Signalling" define
#the signalling protocol which will be used on a physical
#ATM interface to establish Switched Virtual Circuits for
#any logical interfaces on the named physical interface.
#Physical interfaces on GigaRouter ATM cards are identified by
#the slot number of the interface card in the GigaRouter chassis
#in hex notation
#on the card (either the top connector, or the bottom connector on the card).
#Each Signalling entry the ATM configuration file has the following format:
#Signalling card=hex connector=topbottom [protocol=UNI3.0UNI3.1NONE] \