IBM System Storage DR550 | Version 3.0 | 17 March 2006 | Page 63 |
–forced: Shut down immediately. The node retains control of all its resources. You can use this option to bring down a node while you perform maintenance or make a change to the cluster configuration such as adding a network interface. The node’s applications remain available, except for those that access enhanced concurrent mode volume groups (but without the services of HACMP for AIX daemons).
Important: It is very important that you only use forced shutdown on one cluster node at a time, and for as short a time as possible. When you need to stop cluster services for an extended period and on more than one cluster node, you should use one of the other options (either graceful or graceful with takeover).
4.Back on the Stop Cluster Services screen, check that the node or nodes are shown in the appropriate line, make sure you specified the correct shutdown mode, and press Enter.
5.The system stops the cluster services on the nodes specified. SMIT displays a command status window. It should display an OK message in the upper left corner. If not, you have to analyze the given messages at the same window, fix the problem, and start the process again.
If the stop operation fails, check the
6.Quit the SMIT session: Press F10 or ESC+0.
7.Verify on the AIX command line, that all HACMP services are stopped successful. Use the command lssrc
Step 4 - Edit the /etc/hosts file on drs_engine1
1.First of all create a copy of the /etc/hosts file that is shipped from factory (see Preconfigured /etc/hosts file on drs_engine1 and drs_engine2 (excerpt)) with the AIX command cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.factory.
Preconfigured /etc/hosts file on drs_engine1 and drs_engine2 (excerpt) | loopback localhost | # loopback (lo0) name/address |
#Engine 1 drs_cluster_svc drs_engine1_boot drs_engine1 #en0 drs_engine1_stdby drs_engine1 #en1
#Engine 2 drs_engine2_boot drs_engine2 #en0 drs_engine2_stdby | #en1 | | | drs_engine2_FAStT1_ctrlA | #en2 | | drs_engine2_FAStT1_ctrlB | #en3 |
| |
IBM Storage Systems | Copyright © 2006 by International Business Machines Corporation | |