C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary
File Management Commands
traceroute Displays the route that packets travel to the network host.
who Displays the list of all users currently logged in.
Command Description
Global System Commands
Command Description
cat Displays contents of the specified saved configuration file.
cat <filename>
filename is the name of the file to be displayed.
copy Copies an existing configuration file to a new file.
copy <source> to <destination>
source is the name of the original file.
destination is the name of the target file.
dir Displays a list of saved configuration files. Also displays the last
loaded configuration file.
get Retrieves a configuration file from a TFTP server. Because the
TFTP protocol has no user-login or validation, sites employing it
typically enforce some file access restrictions. Such restrictions
are specific to each site and vary widely in scope and methods.
get <TFTP URL>
TFTP URL is the address of the tftp server from which you wish
to retrieve the configuration file
get tftp:// tftpboot/get.cfg
This helps to save configuration files outside the box.
File Management Commands