G L O S S A R Y | Intel® NetStructure™ 7190 |
Aliasing The act of trying to appear as a legitimate packet from a trusted or expected source even though the packet actually originated at some unknown source.
SSL (Secure Socket Protocol developed by Netscape for encrypted transmission over
Layer) TCP/IP networks, setting up a secure
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) utilizing IP as the base transport.
TTL DNS Time To Live.
UDP/IP User Datagram Protocol (UDP) utilizing the IP as the base transport. It is an unreliable, but fast transport mechanism. It is used by DNS.
VIP A virtual IP address of a site. It may be the actual IP address of a non- brokered server. At a brokered site a VIP is used to group resources. The VIP address is mapped to the resources IP addresses. A Broker balances VIP network traffic across its resources.
Weighted Random This algorithm resolves IP address randomly, rather than serially, while weighting works as in Weighted Round Robin. The benefit of this algorithm is that it is more effective at normalizing, or leveling, load than Weighted Round Robin.
Weighted Round Robin This algorithm is an enhancement of legacy Round Robin DNS, under which IP addresses are returned serially from the server’s list of addresses. The differences between Round Robin DNS and Weighted Round Robin are site status awareness and weighting. Weighting allows site operators to skew loading on a percentage basis. For example, Site A might be weighted to receive 12.5% of the traffic, site B 25 % and site C 62.5%.