Click the button to display the Recall dialog box, verify the EQ program and the loading-destination channel, and click the Yes button (or press the panel YES key). If you decide not to load, click the No button (or press the panel NO key).

Since channels 25–32 have a two-band EQ with Low and High, loading a four-band EQ library item into these channels will have the following result.

The LowMid and HighMid settings will be ignored.

The Gain and Fc of the Low and High bands will remain as they are, but the Q will be forcibly changed to Shelving.


This stores the EQ settings of the “EQ/ATT” tab page into one of the user EQ programs.

The EQ settings of the channel selected by 2.”CH” will be stored.

A name will automatically be assigned to the stored EQ program.

The PlayEQ of channel 8: CH08-I.EQ The RecEQ of channel 10: CH10-EQ

Verify the store-destination number and click the Yes but- ton (or press the panel YES key). If you decide not to store, click the No button (or press the panel NO key).



5a. Rename

You can click this button to edit the name of the library program (p.99).

5b. Program number cell

Here you can select the store-destination program number. Click the cell to highlight it, and use the value dial (or the +/– keys) to make your selection.

2d-3. Phase

You can invert the phase of each channel.

If one channel of the stereo signal from an audio device is be- ing input via a jack whose hot and cold conductors are re- versed, their stereo position may be blurred, or portions of the sound may be cancelled. This setting lets you invert the phase to correct such situations.



[N, R]

N (NormalPhase): The phase of this channel will not be inverted. Normally you will leave this at “N.”

R (ReversePhase): The phase of this channel will be inverted.

On the D3200, pin 2 is hot and pin 3 is cold (p.6). Set this to “R” if the connected audio device uses the opposite pin wir- ing.

2d-4. Master EQ

Here you can adjust the equalizer settings for the master bus. This is an four-band peaking equalizer. The Low and High bands can also be set to a shelving-type (Shlv) EQ.

The master EQ is used as a Rec EQ for the master track.

The master EQ cannot be used when playing back the master track or when using “SoloMaster.”















1.Level meter

This indicates the level of the master bus.

If clipping occurs, adjust the MASTER fader.


Selects the master EQ settings for the left channel.


Selects the master EQ settings for the right channel.


Sets the left and right channels of the master EQ to the identical settings. You can adjust the settings from either the left or right channel.

5.Band 1…4 EQ G/F/Q

[–15 dB…+15 dB/21 Hz…20.1 kHz/0.1…10, Shlv*]

These parameters adjust the gain, center frequency, and Q (filter sharpness) of each band. Use the Knob Matrix to adjust the setting.

*By selecting Shlv as the “Q” value for the Low and High bands, you can switch them to shelving-type EQ; in this case the F value will become the cutoff fre- quency.

6.EQ curve graph

This graphically displays the EQ curve specified by these parameters.


This sets the Gain of each band to 0 dB. The center fre- quency and Q settings for each band will remain unchanged.


Switches the master EQ on/off. This turns both channels on/off regardless of the channel (L or R) you are cur- rently editing.

9. buttons

Use these up/down buttons to edit the parameter values.


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Korg D3200 owner manual 108, 2d-3. Phase, 2d-4. Master EQ