New functions in version 2.0
Sequencer mode
1. HD Audio Track function (☞p.5)
Two audio tracks (1 and 2) have been added to the existing sixteen MIDI tracks and the sequencer master track. The new audio tracks can be synchronized to the MIDI tracks and master track, allowing you to record up to 80 minutes of external audio - such as a guitar or vocals. You can use
During playback, you can adjust the volume, pan, insert effects, and master effect routing for each of the two audio tracks.
Audio track data can be edited using the new “Put WAVE,” “Normalize,” “Volume Ramp,” and “Time Stretch” opera- tions that have been added to the page menu commands of the Track Edit page.
You can also use the Disk mode Edit WAVE page to edit individual WAVE files saved on the internal hard disk. In this page, you can make precise edits while viewing the waveform, just as when editing in Sampling mode.
HD Audio Track recording can be used in conjunction with the
With the
2. Realtime recording and playback of MIDI exclusive messages (☞p.34)
Realtime recording/playback of MIDI exclusive messages is now supported.
Exclusive messages (including XG and GS format data) received from an external MIDI device, or parameter changes you create by editing track parameters, can now be recorded in realtime on any track. You can also use the page menu command “Put Effect Setting (MIDI Exclusive) to Track” to record effect parameter settings into the desired location.
During playback, you can send this data to an external MIDI device or use it to control song track parameters or effect parameters. Standard MIDI Files (SMF) containing system exclusive messages can be loaded in from disk, preserving the exclusive data.
3. “Tone Adjust” parameters (☞p.41)
“Tone Adjust” parameters have been added, allowing you to adjust the sound of a program after it has been assigned to a track, while leaving the original program unchanged. Using this feature, you can soften the tone of the bass sound or sharpen the attack of the strings without having to return to Program mode and edit the program itself. These adjust- ments can also be recorded in realtime (MIDI exclusive mes- sages) as part of the song, causing the same changes occur during playback.
4. Auto song setup function (☞p.44)
In either Program or Combination mode the current settings (including arpeggiator and effect settings) can be transferred instantly, and intact, to the sequencer. This allows you to seamlessly shift from playing a program or combination into producing a song. With this new feature, phrases or ideas for a song that come to mind while you’re playing can be captured immediately in a song.
5. “Auto Sampling/HD Audio Setup” page menu command (☞p.28)
This function automatically sets up the appropriate parame- ter settings for sampling operations such as
Auto Sampling settings can also be made in Sampling, Com- bination or Program modes. (☞p.58, 63, 67)
6. “Bounce All Tracks to New Song” page menu command (☞p.17)
This function takes all sixteen MIDI tracks and both audio tracks of an existing song and combines them into the audio tracks of another song. After the bounce, polyphony and effects are freed up, so you can then add more MIDI tracks or effects.
7. “Swing” parameter for the “Quantize” page menu command (☞p.43)
A “Swing” parameter has been added to the “Quantize” page menu command, making it easy to (for example) trans- form a square
8. “Copy From Program” page menu command (☞p.43)
Now you can easily copy a program - including all effect and arpeggiator settings - to a song or combination.
9. Improved Compare function for In-Track Sam- pling (☞p.44)
You can now use the Compare function to alternately clear and restore the