About this manual
How this manual is organized
This manual explains the new features and functions that have been added in the TRITON Studio operating system version 2.0, and the improvements that have been made over earlier versions of the operating system.
Sequencer mode, Disk mode, Global mode, Sampling mode, Combination mode, and Program mode are each covered in separate chapters, and functions that apply to more than one mode are described in the chapter entitled “Other new func- tions.”
The information in this manual supercedes the original “Basic guide” and “Parameter guide” included with the TRITON STUDIO. Using the conventions listed below, annotations have been made to show where additions and changes need to be made to the Basic and Parameter guides.
Conventions in this manual
: Indicates an addition or change to the “Parameter Guide” and the corresponding page.
: Indicates an addition or change to the “Basic Guide” and the corresponding page.
PG: “Parameter Guide” is abbreviated as PG.
BG: “Basic Guide” is abbreviated as BG.
Other conventions are as explained in the “Parameter
Guide” and “Basic Guide.”
Customers who purchased a new TRITON
STUDIO with system version 2.0
If you purchased a new TRITON STUDIO with system version 2.0 already installed, first read the Basic Guide and Parameter Guide to understand basic operation and functionality. Then read this Version 2.0 Update Guide. Since this update guide also describes improvements made since system version 1.0 (“Sequencer mode – other updates” (☞p.44) as well as the new functions added in version 2.0, you will need to read it in conjunction with the Basic Guide and Parameter Guide.
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