The Paper Type default for each envelope source is Envelope. The Paper Type default for each paper tray is as follows:
Tray | Tray |
Tray | Tray |
Tray | MP |
| Manual Pap |
Note: If a
Use this menu item to:
•Optimize print quality for the specified paper.
•Select paper sources through your software application by selecting type and size.
•Automatically link paper sources. Any sources containing the same type and size of paper are automatically linked by the printer, if you have set the Paper Size and the Paper Type to the correct values.
See also:
Custom Types
Paper Weight
To identify the relative weight of the paper loaded in a specific source and ensure that the toner adheres properly to the printed page.
First select a paper type:
Plain Weight | Preprint Weight | Bond Weight | Labels Weight |
Cardstock Weight | Color Weight | Envelope Weight | Ltrhead Weight |
Trnsprncy Weight | Custom <x> Weight |
Then select a value:
Note: If a