What you can do:
•Send a job to print.
•Press Go to quickly warm the printer to normal operating temperature and display the Ready message.
Note: This message does not appear on the T620 printer.
See also:
Power Saver (Setup Menu)
Priming Failed.
What this message means:
The printer failed to prepare the stapler to staple print jobs.
What you can do:
•Press Go to try priming the stapler again.
•Make sure staples are loaded and there is no jam in the stapler.
•Make sure paper is loaded in the tray specified in the Staple Prime Source menu item.
•Press Return or Stop to cancel priming.
Priming Stapler
What this message means:
The printer is preparing the stapler to staple print jobs. The printer tests the stapler several times before returning to the Ready state.
What you can do:
Wait for the message to clear.
Print Jobs on
Disk. Go/Stop?
What this message means:
Jobs that were spooled to the hard disk before the printer was last turned off have not yet printed.
What you can do: