Configuring the Network
Performing Additional Configuration Opeerations
Standard Security Policy |
| High Security Policy |
At least six characters |
| At least eight characters; must include at least one digitt, one |
| uppercase letter, and one of the following “special” charracters: !, @, #, |
| $, %, ^, *, (), _, |
Must not include the user name |
| Must not include the user name |
To configure the security settings:
1.From the configuration menu, select Security. The Security page appears.
Figure 21 – Security Page
2.In the Account Blocking section:
In Block after, type thhe number of allowable attempts to log in withh a wrong username or passworrd in a time period specified in attempts within, prior to a forced time lock.
In Block account, seleect for period to block the account for a specifiied period of time, or forever for a total block.
3.Select the High security p assword policy checkbox to enable the high seecurity password policy; clear the checkbox for the standard security policy too apply.
4.In Disconnect after, select the timeout inactivity period after which the user is disconnected from the syystem. Select No Timeout to disable timeout.
3.8 Performing Addditional Configuration Operations
You can perform the followin g additional operations on Smart 108/116 IP:
Install an SSL certificate.
34 Smart 108/116 IP