Call Control
3-44 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 20 08
The meaning of the AT+MVC=1,1,3,5 command is:
The modem is able to support GSM full rate speech version 1, GSM full rate speech version 2
(EFR), GSM half rate speech version 3 (AMR Half Rate) only:
GSM full rate speech version 1 is the first priority
GSM full rate speech version 2 (EFR) is the second priority
GSM half rate speech version 3 (AMR Half Rate) is the third priority
The GSM half rate speech version 1 and GSM full rate speech version 3 (AMR Full Rate) will not
be supported by the modem.
+MTTY, Motorola TTY Configuration
This AT command is used to enable or disable TTY (Tele Typewriter) support in G24 modules.
Note: Tele-typewriter or Teletype, a typewriter with an electronic communication. TTY is an
electronic device for text communication via a telephone line, used when one or more of
the parties have hearing or speech difficulties.
Type Syntax Response/Action Remarks
Set AT+MT TY= <n> OK
+CME ERROR: <err>
The SET command is used for setting
the current TTY mode.
Read AT+MTTY? + MTTY : <n>
+CME ERROR: <err>
The READ command returns the
current TTY mode <n>.
Test AT+MTTY=? +MTTY : (0-3)
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Test command returns the possible
value’s range.