Chapter 3: AT Commands Reference
June 30, 2008 AT Commands Reference Manual 3-321
+CMER, Mobile Equipment Event Reporting

The following table shows the +CMER parameters.

Type Syntax Response/Action Remarks
Set +CMER=[<mode>
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Set command
enables/disables an external
accessory to receive event
reports from the G24. In some
cases, this is used to track the
user activity for redisplay on
a vehicle system, or to per-
form accessory-specific menu
Read +CMER? +CMER:
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Read command queries
the current settings for the
AT+CMER command.
Test +CMER=? +CMER: (list of supported
<mode>s),(list of supported
<keyp>s),(list of supported
<disp>s),(list of supported
<ind>s),(list of supported <bfr>s)
The Test command returns
the possible <mode>,
<keyp>, <disp>, <ind>, and
<bfr> values.

Table 3-208:+CMER Parameters

<Parameter> Description
<mode> Controls the processing of unsolicited result codes specified within this command.
0 Buffer unsolicited result codes in G24
<keyp> 0 Do not report keypad events.
1 Display events reporting using result code +CKEV. Only keypad events that
are not caused by the +CKPD command are reported.
2 Keypad events reporting using result code +CKEV. All keypad events, includ-
ing those caused by the +CKPD command, are reported.
The default value is 0.
<disp> 0 No display of event reporting.
1 Display event reporting using result code
+CDEV: <x>,<y>,<text>,<highlighted>
<x> indicates the x coordinate of the text.
<y> indicates the y coordinate of the text.
<text> is the new value of the text element.
< highlighted> indicates whether the line has a backlight
The character set used in <text> is as specified by the Select TE Character Set
(+CSCS) command.