Chapter 4: Using the Commands
June 30, 2008 AT Commands Reference Manual 4-5
Test G24 Communication
This is a preliminary step. During this step, the ability to communicate with the G24 using AT
commands is tested.
Figure 4-5: Test G24 Communication
Communication example:
ATE1 //By default, the echo should be enabled
OK //Confirm that G24 replies with OK
Basic Configuration
These are optional steps. If required, specific RS232 pin behavior can be selected. Extended error
notification is recommended for debugging and field-support purposes.
Figure 4-6: Basic Configuration
Send 'AT' Check RS232 Connection or
Change UART Baud Rate
Error No Echo

Configure the RS232 Connection (Optional)

Baud rate, line behavior and flow control
(for example, “AT+CBUAD=115200 ”, “AT &Cx”, “AT&Dx ”, “AT &K x”)
Note:If the baud rate has been changed, you must change the baud rate of the UART as

Enable Extended Error Messages (Optional)

(for example, “AT+CMEE=2 or 1”)

Basic Commands (Optional)