Appendix B: MUX
June 30, 2008 AT Commands Reference Manual B-9
Open Service
The API Open Service MIP and MUI procedures are as follows:
MIP: Use API TS0710_open_all_MUX_channels().
1. Send establish for control channel (27.010 SABM command frame for Channel 0).
2. Wait for ACK (27.010 UA command frame).
3. Send up to four establish command frames for the data channels (27.010 SABM command
frame for Channel 1).
4. Wait for ACK frames (27.010 UA command frame).
Close Service
The API Close Service MIP and MUI procedures are as follows:
1. Use API TS0710_close_all_MUX_channels().
2. Wait for all ACKs (27.010 UA command frame).
1. Send release for last opened information channels (27.010 DISC command frame for
Channels 1-4).
2. Wait for ACK (27.010 UA command frame).
3. Send release for control channel (27.010 DISC command frame for Channel 0) or 27.010
CLD command frame.
4. Wait for ACK (27.010 UA command frame).
Sending Data Service
The API Sending Data Service MIP and MUI procedures are as follows:
MIP: Use API TS0710_application_send_data (MUX_CHANNEL dlc, BYTE data_length,
BYTE *data_body).
MUI: Use UIH frame with the data encapsulated for sending Channel 1-4 data.
Receiving Data Service
The API Receiving Data Service MIP and MUI procedures are as follows:
1. Use API BYTE TS0710_rx_handler_api (BYTE* rx_string, WORD len_rx_string) for
unpack frames.
2. Use TS0710_DLC_APP_rx_handler_api (MUX_CHANNEL dlc,BYTE bytes_in_queue)
for reading the arrival data from the channel buffer void.
MUI: Create data unpack.