Chapter 1: Product Features
June 30, 2008 AT Commands Reference Manual 1 -27
&D This command determines how the G24 responds when the DTR
(Data Terminal Ready) status is changed from ON to OFF during the
online data state.
Page 3-206
+MCWAKE This command displays reports on the status of the GPRS/GSM
coverage. Page 3-207
+MGGIND This command configures the service indicator on pin 49 of the 70
pin connector to be GPRS or GSM. Page 3-208
+CFUN This command shuts down the phone functionality of smart phones
and PDAs with phone capabilities. Page 3-209
+ICF This command determines the local serial port start/stop
(asynchronous) character framing used by the DCE when accepting
DTE commands and transmitting information text and result codes.
Page 3-210
S97 This command indicates whether an antenna is physically connected
to the G24 RF connector. Page 3-211
+MRST This command enables customer software to perform a hard reset to
the G24 unit. Page3-212
+TWUS This command is used to set the wakeup reason(s). Page 3-212
+TWUR This command is used to query the wakeup reason(s). Page 3-214
+TASW This command controls the antenna switch mechanism. Page 3-214
+TADIAG This command queries actual ADC values of the antennas. Page 3-215
READY This unsolicited notification indicates UART is ready. Page 3-216
+MPSU This command defines the functionality of the second physical
UART. Page3-216
+MIOC This command defines the G24 8 GPIO pins data value. Page 3-218
+MIOD This command defines the G24 8 GPIO pins configuration. Page 3-222
+MMAD This command reads and monitors digital value from a specified
ADC. Page 3-224
+MPCMC This command defines whether the PCM clock is generated
continuously or not, when module is in digital audio mode. Page 3-231
+MVREF This command defines the behavior of Vref regulator. Page3-232
General Audio Setup Commands
+CRTT This command plays one cycle of a ring tone, stops the cycle in the
middle, and sets the ring tone to be used. Page 3-252
+VTD This command handles the selection of tone duration. Page 3-255
+VTS This command transmits a string of DTMF tones when a voice call
is active. Page3-256
+CALM This command handles the selection of the G24’s alert sound mode. Page 3-250
Table 1-1:AT Commands (Cont.)
AT Com man d Description Page