UI (User Interface)
3-318 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 2008
commands like ATH/AT+CHLD and so on.

Note: The +CKPD command does not support DTMF tones.

The following table shows the +CKPD parameters.The following table shows the Character codes.
Type Response/Action Remarks
Set +CKPD=<keys>[,<time>[,<pause>]] OK
+CME ERROR: <err>
Table 3-205:+CKPD Parameters
<Parameter> Description
<keys> Virtual keycode (See Table3-204).
<time> Time for which to hold the key (in 0.1 seconds)
0...255Seconds (default values are manufacturer specific, but should long enough that
a normal G24 can handle keystrokes correctly).
<pause> Time for which to pause between key presses (in 0.1 seconds)
0...255 Seconds (default values are manufacturer specific, but should be long enough
that a normal G24 can handle keystrokes correctly).
Table 3-206:Character Codes
Character IRA (dec) Comment (and Known Key Sym-
#35 Hash (Number sign)
*42 Star (*)
0... 9 48... 57 Number keys
<60 Left arrow
>62 Right arrow
C/c 67/99 Clear display (C/CLR)
D/d 68/100 Volume down
M/m 77/109 Menu (MENU)
P/p 80/112 Power (PWR)
Q/q 81/113 Quiet/Mute (MUTE)
S/s 83/115 Connection start (SEND)