Index A - A
Index-2 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 2008
+CMGW, Write Message to Memory, 3-127
+CMSS, Send Message From Storage, 3-125
+CMTI, Unsolicited Result Code, 3-110
+CMUT, Mute/Unmute Currently Active Microphone
Path, 3-239
+CMUX, MUX Startup Command, 3-446
+CNMA, New Message Acknowledgement, 3-108
+CNMI, New Message Indications to Terminal, 3-107
+CNUM, Request MSISDN(s), 3-7
+COLP, Connected Line Identification Presentation, 3-69
+COPS, Operator Selection, 3-174
+CPAS, Phone Activity Status, 3-46
+CPBF, Find Phone Book Entries, 3-75
+CPBR, Read Phone Book Entries, 3-73
+CPBS, Select Phone Book Memory, 3-71
+CPBW, Write Phone Book Entry, 3-76
+CPIN, Enter PIN for Unlocking SIM Card or Enter PUK
for Unblocking SIM Card, 3-258
+CPMS, Preferred Message Storage, 3-99
+CPUC, Price per Unit and Currency Table, 3-60
+CPWD, Change Password, 3-263
+CR, Service Reporting Control, 3-61
+CRC, Cellular Result Codes, 3-19
+CREG, Network Registration Status, 3-171
+CRLP, Radio Link Protocol, 3-170
+CRSM, Restricted SIM Access, 3-309
+CRTT, Ring Type Selection, 3-252
+CSCA, Service Center Address, 3-101
+CSMS, Select Message Service, 3-98
+CSNS, Single Numbering Call Scheme, 3-36
+CSQ, Signal Strength, 3-169
+CSSN, Supplementary Service Notifications, 3-62
+CTFR1, Divert an Incoming Call When User Busy, 3-39
+CUSD, Unstructured Supplementary Service Data, 3-65
+EMPC, Unlocking or Locking Subsidy Code, 3-267
+EPIN, Enter SIM PIN2 to Verify PIN2 Indicator, 3-261
+FCLASS, Select Mode, 3-432
+FMI, Request Manufacturer ID, 3-1
+FMM, Request Model ID, 3-2
+FMR, Request Revision, 3-3
+FPR, Fax Serial Port Rate, 3-440
+FRH, Receive DATA with HDLC Frame, 3-438
+FRM, Receive Data, 3-436
+FRS, Receive Silence, 3-433
+FTM, Transmit Data, 3-434
+FTS, Transmit Silence, 3-433
+GCAP, Request Overall Capabilities, 3-202
+GMI, Request Manufacturer ID, 3-1
+GMM, Request Model ID, 3-2
+GMR, Request Revision, 3-3
+GSN, Request Product Serial Number Identification, 3-3
+ICF, DTE-DCE Character Framing, 3-210
+IFC, Terminal G24 Local Flow Control, 3-438
+IPR, Local DTE-DCE Serial Port Rate, 3-200
+MA, Audio Control Commands, 3-242
+MAFEAT, Features Selection, 3-248
+MAMUT, Input Devices Mute, 3-247
+MAPATH, Audio Path, 3-242
+MAVOL, Volume Setting, 3-245
+MCEG, Motorola Control EGPRS, 3-363
+MCELL, Motorola Cell Description, 3-181
+MCI, Motorola Cell Information, 3-193
+MCSAT, Motorola Control SMS Alert Tone, 3-137
+MCSN, Motorola Change Subscriber Number, 3-81
+MCWAKE, GPRS Coverage, 3-207
+MDC, Selection of Desired Message to Be Displayed
Upon Connection of a Voice Call, 3-38
+MDSI, Motorola Deactivate SIM Card Indication, 3-78
+MEGA, Email Gateway Address, 3-167
+MFIC, Filtering Incomming Calls, 3-40
+MFS, Motorola Frequency of Search, 3-179
+MGEER, GPRS Extended Error Report, 3-306
+MGGIND, GSM/GPRS Service Indicator, 3-208
+MIOC, Motorola I/O Configure, 3-218
+MIOD, Motorola I/O Define, 3-222
+MIPCALL, Create a Wireless Link, 3-393
+MIPCFF, Control Filtering Feature for incoming TCP
connection, 3-425
+MIPCLOSE, Close a Socket, 3-400
+MIPDATA, Network Incoming Data Unsolicited Indica-
tion in Pseudo-command Mode, 3-409
+MIPFLUSH, Flush Data from Buffers, 3-406
+MIPODM, Open a Socket (UDP or TCP) in Online Data
Mode, 3-397
+MIPOPEN, Open a Socket (UDP or TCP), 3-395
+MIPPUSH, Push Data into Protocol Stack, 3-405
+MIPRTCP, Receive Data from TCP Protocol Stack,
+MIPRUDP, Receive Data from UDP Protocol Stack,
+MIPSEND, Send Data, 3-403
+MIPSSL, SSL Alerts Unsolicited Report, 3-427
+MIPSTAT, Status Report, 3-408
+MKPD, Auxiliary Keypad Control, 3-319
+MMAD, Query and Monitor ADC Value, 3-224
+MMAR, Motorola Mark As Read, 3-125
+MMGL, List Messages, 3-114
+MMGR, Read Message, 3-118
+MNTFY, Motorola No TiFY Indication, 3-53
+MPDPM, Motorola Phonebook Dynamic Percentage
Memory, 1-24, 3-85
+MPING, Start Ping Execution (ICMP Protocol), 3-413
+MPINGSTAT, Status Update for +MPING Execution,
+MPSU, Motorola Physical Second Uart, 3-216
+MRST, Perform Hard Reset, 3-212
+MSCTS, Enable/Disable CTS During Wakeup Period,
+MSDNS, Set DNS IP Address, 3-420
+MTCTS, CTS Line Test Command, 3-203
+MTDTR, DTR Line Test Command, 3-202
+MTTY, Motorola TTY Configuration, 3-44
+MUPB, Phone Book Event, 3-329
+MVC, Motorola Vocoders Configuration, 3-43
+MVREF, Motorola Voltage Reference, 3-232
+TADIAG, Query Antennas ADC Value, 3-215
+TASW, Antenna Switch, 3-214
+TCLCC, List Current Calls, 3-51