RS232 Multiplexer Feature
3-462 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 2008
Multiple Channel Definitions
The following table provides various multiple channel definitions.
GPRS Definitions
A GPRS session is suspended when a voice/CSD call is connected to the G24. The GPRS
session is resumed when the voice/CSD call is disconnected. The voice/CSD call can be
dialed when the GPRS session is either in online DATA mode or online COMMAND mode.
A GPRS session cannot be started (ERROR returned) when there is an active or established
Voice/CSD call.
Simultaneous GPRS sessions of any kind (internal and/or external) are not supported.
Note: While G24 is operating network-related AT commands, such as SMS or Supplementary
Services, GPRS session behavior will be the same as for Voice/CSD call, but for brief
moments only.
IDLC Modem Profile in MUX State
Modem profile – G24 modem settings such as s-registers and flex values.
GRLC profile – GRLC (PREMUX) settings such as s-registers and flex values.
GRLC default profile – GRLC (PREMUX) settings on power up.
When a new channel is established (open IDLC) its modem profile will be the GRLC default
When the G24 returns to PREMUX state from either MUX or MUX-INIT states, its modem
profile is the GRLC default profile.
Table 3-293: Multiple Channel Definitions
Term Description
response A response to a command is delivered back to the channel from which the command
was sent.
indication Unsolicited indications are sent only to the channel that enabled them. Enabling
indications where it is not allowed may cause unexpected results.
Exception: Some of the indications can be enabled only in one specific channel. For
more information, refer to Table3-292, “AT Commands Limitations for 4-Channel
Configuration,” on page 3-451.
command Any G24 IDLC receiving an AT+CMUX command returns an ERROR response –
+CMEE: "operation not allowed".
settings for all
Settings that are not stored in the IDLC modem profile, but that are set in one of the
G24 components. Any modification to these settings overrides the previous settings in
all the other channels.
For example, Database settings (phonebook, Flex, audio settings, network (SIM)
settings, and so on. For this reason, parallel commands are not allowed in more than
one channel. All the settings that are private for each channel (can be different in
different channels) are mentioned in the Profile Definition column in Table3-292,
“AT Commands Limitations for 4-Channel Configuration,” on page3-451.