3-258 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 2008
+CPIN, Enter PIN for Unlocking SIM Card or Enter PUK for Unblocking SIM Card
This command locks the SIM card, and therefore is only relevant for phones that use SIM cards.
It unlocks the SIM card when the proper SIM PIN is provided and unblocks the SIM card when
the proper SIM PUK is provided.
The SIM card is unlocked only once the provided pin is verified as the SIM PIN. If the required
PIN (determined by the error code returned from the requested operation or the Read command)
is SIM PUK or SIM PUK2, the second pin is required. This second pin, <newpin>, is used to
replace the old pin in the SIM card. When entering the pin, a <new pin> is not required.
Note: For a list of commands that can be given when the G24 is awaiting the SIM PIN or SIM
PUK, refer to Table2-1, “Core AT Commands” on Page 2-9.
Note: The SIM card lock is another level of security independent of the phone lock (See
“Access Control Commands” on page 3-257 for more information).
Figure 3-9 presents a diagram of what occurs when using the SIM card. Note that if an incorrect
password is entered three times, the G24 requires that a master password be entered, If this also
fails three times, the SIM will be blocked, and you will have to go to your provider to unblock it.
Figure 3-9: SIM States
A SIM card related error is returned if an AT command operation is unsuccessful due to a SIM
card problem. The following table shows the SIM card errors.
Table 3-170: SIM Card Errors
Error Description
10 SIM not inserted SIM Card is not inserted
11 SIM PIN required SIM Card waiting for SIM PIN to be entered
12 SIM PUK required SIM PIN is blocked
13 SIM failure SIM Card is permanently blocked
17 SIM PIN2 required SIM Card is waiting for SIM PIN2 to be entered
18 SIM PUK2 required SIM PIN2 is blocked
Blocked SI M
SIM OKGo to Manufacturer
Security enabled
Good codeGood c ode
Bad code x3
Bad code x3