Chapter 4: Using the Commands
June 30, 2008 AT Commands Reference Manual 4 -19
When using the GPRS, it is recommended to implement a "keep alive" mechanism.
The G24 memory resources should not be used as a buffer for the user, the user maintains its own
memory and flow control in its own application. The G24 has finite limited resources such as
network related, SIM card and phone memory. In general the user should use a single resource at
a time. As an example, when G24 GPRS network resources are in an active session, user should
not manually detach from the network or place a CSD call etc.
Note: The basic GPRS concept is be “always connected” and there is no charge for being
connected (only per real data transferred). GPRS users are advised to connect the GPRS
network once in the beginning of a session and remain connected rather then to toggle
from online to offline and back in a high rate. In specific cases when this is needed,
contact customer care for advice and knowledge base.

Establishing GPRS PDP Context

When using the GPRS network for any IP data, you must be attached to the GPRS network before
activating PDP context.

Activating a Saved Profile in G24

AT+CGATT=1 //By default, after power-up, the G24 attaches to the GPRS network,
if possible (if the network and SIM allow)
AT+CGATT? //Check your connection status
AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","RTY",""//Context definition example

Two Ways to Activate PDP Context

Each of the two main ways in which to activate PDP context are described below.
Using the GPRS Wizard Application
1. Double-click the button predefined as the dialer for this provider to automatically establish
PDP context. If the G24 was not previously attached to GPRS, it will be attached
2. Setup configuration.
3. Enter into the wizard, the parameters provided by your operator.
4. Set definitions to allow your http/ftp browser to use the G24 as a port to the Internet.
5. Usage:
Open the GPRS Manager.
Double-click the dialer icon to select and activate the provider of your choice (multiple
providers may be displayed in
the list).
After dialing, your temporary IP address, the GPRS DATA session message will be
Minimize the GPRS wizard window and use your http/ftp browser (Internet Explorer,