Call Control
3-58 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 20 08
Refer to “+CAMM, Accumulated Call Meter Maximum”, page 3-58.
The following table shows the +CACM parameters.
+CAMM, Accumulated Call Meter Maximum
This command sets the Advice of Charge accumulated call meter maximum value in the SIM file,
EFACMmax. ACMmax contains the maximum number of home units the subscriber is able to
consume. When the ACM (Refer to “+CACM, Accumulated Call Meter”, page 3-57) reaches
ACMmax, additional calls (mobile-originated and mobile-terminated calls that incur charges) are
prohibited, except for emergency calls. Refer to GSM 02.24.
Type Syntax Response/Action Remarks
Set +CACM=<passwd> OK
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Set command resets the
accumulated call meter value. SIM
PIN2 is required.
Read +CACM? +CACM: <acm>
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Read command displays the
current value of ACM.
Test +CACM=? OK The Test command indicates whether
the +CACM command is functioning.
Table 3-27: +CACM Parameters
<Parameter> Description
<passwd> SIM PIN2 password
Maximum string length is 8 characters. If this value is exceeded, the command
terminates in an error. If PIN2 is incorrect, "+CME ERROR: incorrect password" is
<acm> Accumulated call meter maximum value (similar to CCM; Refer to “+CAOC, Advice
of Charge”, page 3-55). The default is 0.
String type; three bytes of the current call meter value in hexadecimal format (for
example, 00001E indicates a decimal value of 30). Value is given in home units; bytes
are similarly coded as the ACMmax value in the SIM.